Not just Holistic, but how to use E: All of the Above!

I made this blog because I did tons of research on success stories and research worldwide and used it on my dog with nasal cancer named Lucy. So, now my hobby is molecular biology. The treatment uses combination of health store supplements, some prescription meds, diet changes, and specific Ayurvedic and Chinese medicinal herbs. I just wanted her to have a better quality of life. I thought this combination of E: All the Above (except no radiation or chemo and surgery for this cancer was not an option) would help that for sure, but it actually put her bleeding nasal cancer in remission!
My approach to cancer is about treating the whole animals biologic system. But I do hate the word 'Holistic'. Sounds like hoo hoo. This is science based, research based data and results of using active herbal compounds that happen to be readily available and common. Some call it Nutriceuticals. Others may call it Orthomolecular cancer therapy. Or Cancer Immunotherapy.
-Slow cancer cell reproduction
-Make cancer cells become easier targets for the immune system
-Kill the cancer cells
-Rid the cancer cells
-Remove the toxins it produces
- Stimulate and Modulate the immune system
-Control secondary symptoms like bleeding, infection, inflammation, mucous, appetite, or pain for a better feeling animal
-Working with your vet for exams and prescriptions that are sometimes needed when conditions are acute.
Just by using a multi-modal treatment approach that is as diverse in attack as possible. Both conventional and natural.
The body conditions that allowed it to develop in the first place must be corrected. If caught early enough, like with Lucy, this ongoing maintenance correctional treatment is all that was required at this point to achieve, so far, more than 10 TIMES the life expectancy given (more than 60 months) after diagnosis WITH remission. I did not use radiation or chemotherapy or surgery.
I hope this cancer research can help your dog as well.

My Lucy

My Lucy
In Loving Memory my Lucy December 2016
CURRENT STATUS - It was for more than 5 YEARS after Lucy was diagnosed by biopsy in March 2011 with nasal cancer that she lived. And she was in remission for 4 of 5 years using no radiation or chemo! Now multiply that by 7 to be 35 years extended!! She was 12.5 years old - equivalent to almost 90 human years old. She ended her watch December 1, 2016. I miss her so much.

November 9, 2011

Dog Won't Eat What do I do?

My dog won't eat, What do I do?
It's a fact that many illness impact a dog's metabolism. Changes occur in the way the body uses proteins, fats, and 
carbohydrates in a way to fight for survival.  Some of these metabolic changes can become exaggerated or prolonged to 
the point that they are harmful rather than beneficial. Significant weight loss and muscle wasting can occur rapidly and 
can be difficult or even impossible to reverse.

The typical problem with dogs with cancer is the refusal to eat their normal food or any food at all.  You may be able to 
coax your dog to eat table foods, but these may lack the essential nutrients that your dogs requires at this time.

A dog with cancer loses weight either because of decreased food intake and/or the metabolic effects of the disease. 
There is often more than one cause for decreased appetite. Some of the causes are related to the disease itself and 
some are side effects of cancer treatment. Human cancer patients can experience changes in their sense of smell and 
taste. Sometimes this is the result of the disease, sometimes secondary to a nutrient deficiency such as zinc, and 
sometimes due to side-effects of drugs or other forms of treatment.

Tumors may physically interfere with eating and digesting food. For example, tumors of the oral cavity may cause 
difficulties with chewing and swallowing. Tumors of the stomach or intestines may obstruct the normal passage of food or 
the absorption of nutrients. Cancer therapies may also have a direct impact on the gastrointestinal tract. Some drugs 
cause nausea and vomiting. Others may actually injure the cells lining the intestines. Radiation is often used to treat 
tumors of the oral cavity which can cause inflammation and ulceration of surrounding mucous membranes. Surgical 
removal of tumors involving parts of the digestive tract can obviously affect a patient's ability to eat or digest food. For 
example, it might be necessary to remove part of a patient's jaw, tongue, or intestines. Surgery and radiation therapy 
require anesthesia which involves periods of fasting before and after each episode.

One serious and unpleasant consequence is that the dog may associate them with the act of eating or even the sight or 
smell of food with nausea or pain. This is called learned food aversion. Food aversion is a well-recognized phenomenon 
in human patients. Most everyone has experienced an occasion when they have become ill after eating a particular food. 
Whether or not that food was responsible for the illness, it becomes associated with it in our minds. Although difficult to 
prove, we believe that this occurs on dogs as well. One of the greatest challenges in feeding the pet with cancer is 
preventing the development of food aversions whenever possible, and dealing with this condition when it does occur.

Because we have to guess what a dog is experiencing when he refuses food it can be hard to determine the best course 
of action. On the one hand we might work hard to coax a pet with palatable or novel food items in the hope of finding 
something that will be eaten voluntarily. On the other hand it might be best to back off for awhile and rely on an artificial 
form of nutrition (such as tube feeding) or even not feeding at all because of the risk of causing or exacerbating a 
learned food aversion. Listed below are some general guidelines on how to approach these patients. Remember that 
every patient is different, and requires individualized care and attention. No one thing will work in for every animal--be 
patient and sensitive to the pet's changing needs.

Resist the temptation to coax a pet to eat when he or she is feeling or showing overt signs of nausea or discomfort. Pets 
that gulp or drool at the sight or smell of food, turn their heads away, spit out food when placed in the mouth, or bury the 
food under their bedding should be left alone. Pushing food on a patient who clearly does not want it is a good recipe for 
creating a learned food aversion.

Discuss the possibility of anti-emetic drugs with your veterinarian if you think nausea and vomiting are a problem. Also 
discuss the use of tube feeding. Many factors must be considered when deciding whether a pet is a candidate for 
nutritional support. These techniques are not appropriate or feasible for every pet, but can be used successfully in many 

A few drugs like Prednisone have been used to stimulate the appetite. It can work well at this plus it is a very strong anti-inflammatory.
It cannot be used long term. Short bursts are ok.

If your pet is showing some interest in food, there are many things you can try in order to increase interest in food.

Try novel food items. If your pet has begun to associate a previously favorite food with unpleasant sensations, 
introducing a very different type of food may overcome the aversion to eating. This can backfire if the patient is still 
unwell, since the aversion may simply transfer to the new food. Any type of food can be used including dog foods (for 
dogs), cat foods (for dogs or cats), and palatable table foods. Remember that table foods will not provide all of the 
nutrients that a pet needs. If a pet eats an exclusively home-cooked diet for any period of time, you should get some 
advice on how to make that diet more complete and balanced. I just add fried eggs and cooked ground turkey with a little garlic 

to the kibble/pills and add a little warm water. 
Try offering food in a novel setting or have someone different do the feeding. Sometimes an animal will associate its 
surroundings with past unpleasant experiences. For instance, a patient may no longer eat in the kitchen but will eat on 
an outside deck. Also, remember that dogs are social animals and may be more likely to eat with their pack--which 
includes you! Coaxing a dog to eat during family mealtimes or with other pets present might be successful.

Make mealtimes as comfortable and unstressful as possible. Try not to schedule them at the same time that you do other 
treatments such as pilling. Avoid pushing food on your pet. Stroke and talk to your pet with food nearby and watch for 
any signs of interest.

Divide the day's food into as many small meals as your schedule will permit. The food ingredients that increase 
palatability for most dogs and cats are moisture, fat, and protein. Adding water to a dry pet food or switching to canned 
food may improve food acceptance. A pet's tolerance of certain nutrients must be considered when trying new foods. 
Animals with kidney or liver dysfunction may not tolerate high protein intake. Animals with some types of gastrointestinal 
disease cannot tolerate large amounts of dietary fat.

The standard advice for getting anorexic pets to eat has been to warm foods to just below body temperature. This is 
believed to increase the aroma of food, which in turn will enhance taste. But there is also some evidence that this might 
be counterproductive in animals that are exhibiting food aversion. It's possible since these patients may be hungry 
but have learned to associate certain smells or flavors with feeling badly. In these cases, offering food at room 
temperature or even chilled may meet with more success. You will just have to try different ways.

Because the syndrome of cancer cachexia (profound weight loss) can involve more than decreased food intake, even 
the best efforts in encouraging a pet to eat may not prevent weight loss. This is because cancer can involve alterations 
in normal metabolism that are not overcome simply by providing calories and nutrients. Certain types of tumors can 
produce substances that affect energy and protein metabolism. The tumor itself competes for some of the nutrients that 
should be going to the patient. In addition, the patient's immune system produces a variety of substances in response to 
the tumor. For the most part these are beneficial, but they can cause alterations in metabolism that result in decreased 
appetite, weight loss, and loss of muscle mass.

Mirtazapine for Appetite Stimulation in Dogs and Cats

Rx Mirtazapine (brand name Remeron™-Organon) is approved as an antidepressant for use in humans and has activity both as an alpha 2 receptor antagonist and as a potent 5HT3 antagonist. A side effect noted in humans taking this drug is appetite stimulation. Pharmacy faculty at the Mississippi State College of Veterinary Medicine used mirtazapine in a dog after all other attempts at appetite stimulation had failed, and were very pleased to find that mirtazapine restored appetite almost immediately in this dog. In another case, a physician used mirtazapine to treat anorexia and nausea in his Boston Terrier with chronic renal failure. Due to the vast improvement in the animal’s quality of life for one month preceding its death, the dog’s primary care veterinary clinic conducted a series of uncontrolled field trials using mirtazapine over the next 4 years in 24 dogs and 17 cats with GI symptoms that were marginally responsive or refractory to standard remedies. “Mirtazapine therapy led to a robust response in 12 animals, improvement compared with standard treatment in 16 cases, and an equivocal response in 13 animals. The most vigorous responses were observed in patients in chronic renal failure or receiving concurrent chemotherapy for neoplastic disease.”

Many veterinarians have started using mirtazapine to stimulate appetite in both dogs and cats. There have been no controlled studies and dosing is still empirical, but most dogs are dosed at 0.6mg/kg orally every 24 hours and cats are dosed at 3.75mg/cat orally every 48-72 hours. The terminal half-life of mirtazapine in humans is more than 40 hours, and mirtazapine is eliminated partially through conjugation with glucuronide. For this reason, dosing intervals of less than 48 hours are not recommended for cats, as accumulation is likely. Mirtazapine is not commercially available in an oral suspension; however, compounding pharmacists have formulated suspensions upon the request of veterinarians and have anecdotally reported success with this dosage form. For cats that are vomiting as well as anorectic and cannot swallow or retain oral medications, veterinarians have instructed compounding pharmacists to formulate transdermal gels of mirtazapine (3.75mg/0.1ml), which also have left veterinarians with a positive impression of clinical efficacy. Obviously, further studies are needed to determine stability, safety and efficacy of these compounded dosage forms, but until such evidence is available, veterinarians may wish to try these dosage forms in cases that are refractory to traditional methods of appetite stimulation.

Veterinary Forum, February 2006, pages 34-36

Meeting the basic nutritional needs of a cancer patient can be a significant challenge. In human cancer patients, it is 
established that malnutrition can increase the risk of complications and decrease survival rates. Patients with good 
nutritional status have an improved response to therapy and better quality of life. While the effects of malnutrition have 
not as yet been studied in veterinary patients, it seems likely that the results would be similar.

Sometimes you gotta just give them some KFC Chicken. I have never seen a dog not eat that.
This trick does work, but try to use it only when needed.